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Swinton Greenway Walking and Cycling Routes


April 2022


Once completed, Swinton Greenway will provide an entirely traffic-free route between Swinton and Monton. The scheme will provide an attractive, safe and direct route linking existing key locations such as primary schools, high schools and a college. It will enable people to make the healthier and more environmentally friendly choice of walking or cycling over driving.


1,200 tons of Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate (IBAA) Type 1 sub-base supplied for construction of the new cycling and walking route between Swinton and Morton, surfaced with asphalt.


IBAA is an extremely cost-effective material when compared to Primary Aggregates and BPUK is working towards a verified Carbon Footprint. There are also advantages logistically when using IBAA due to the low density of the material allowing for fewer vehicle movements as this gives volumetric advantages over primary materials.


The extraction of primary aggregates for construction and transport to construction sites places enormous pressure on the environment. Mineral mining accounts for 2.8% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. The use of manufactured aggregates from IBA prevents landfilling, mining of virgin raw materials and contributes to the circular economy.

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